Dog-friendly weedkiller – does it exist? When you are a dog lover, its kind of an unwritten rule that your garden may well take a bit of a hammering. That said, I do try so if like mine, your garden does get a little “weedy” from time to time, you’ll no doubt be looking for a safe alternative to the normal killer sprays and powders you can find on the shelf. I’m always very careful that nothing I use in my dogs’ domain could cause them any harm, but lets face it, we are looking for something so nasty it will kill plants. So, what to do?
I came across this wonderful article about pet-friendly weed-killer, circulated it to my gardener friends to ask their opinion and low and behold, this one is a really good and safe way of ridding your garden of those pesky weeds – in fact it’s so good, that I really should advise you to be 100% sure where you spray it as I’m reliably informed that once used, nothing will grow back there again!
This recipe is perfect for things like weeds in your flagstones or pavers where you certainly don’t want anything to ever grow back but I would just be a little careful of using it in borders or lawns where death and destruction all around it will happen very quickly and for a long time to come!
Here’s the article – I hope it’s the answer to your gardening nightmares
Another article I’ve been sent covers ways to get rid of weeds and may be worth a look, especially if you have a larger area you are trying to tackle: