Is doggy first aid worth it?

Is doggy first aid worth it?

Still wondering if a doggy first aid course is worth it?  Yesterday I received a brief message, straight and to the point, from one of our past students, Toni Trowell.  She outlined what had happened just YESTERDAY and I asked for more detail to share with you all.
Id just like to say that in my opinion, Toni is an absolute LEGEND for doing what she did in what must have been a very scary situation indeed.  Hat’s off to one hell of a groomer!
The first message is as follows: “This is Sox who half an hour previously had a funny turn on the grooming table and died.  He’d stopped breathing, blue tongue, no pulse I could find.  He is old and Im not sure what happened but whatever you taught me on my course it worked because he is back alive and kicking x”
When I asked Toni for more information, this is what she wrote:
“Not sure if I did things in the right order.  I noticed he’d slumped so stood him up saying come on Sox you’ll choke yourself like that, as he had a safety neck lead on.  He’d previously been sat up, so he slumped again and that’s when I thought he’s not right so I went to check his gums.  That’s when I saw his tongue was a blueish colour and he looked spaced out.
I checked for a pulse but there was nothing I could find and by this time I was frantic – my assistant was crying.
I blew in his nose covering his full nose and mouth 3 times and then did the compressions.  He kind of jolted after four I think compressions so I checked his mouth and his tongue was right back so I dragged that out and he coughed and started breathing.
I wrapped him up because I seriously thought he’d had a stroke as he was walking like a drunk dog.  I tried contacting the owner and after about 20 mins he started to shiver then after about half an hour he was totally normal.
Ive got no idea what could have happened, he is old but still quite spritely. I let him sit when I’m drying him, because of age.  He was a little subdued in the bath today – normally he would try to bite me when I’m cleaning his eyes but he just didn’t bother today?
Im so happy he’s alive – and very fussy about a hour later when it sunk in that I had saved his life x”