Tags: chemical

Ice Burns & Pad Damage – Rhodes 2 Safety

Ice Burns & Pad Damage: When we think about burns, we usually think of damage caused by hot surfaces or fluids.  Rarely do we stop to think about the damage that can be caused by the cold (for example ice burns from walking on icy surfaces for any distance) or by chemicals (such as battery acid or […]

Poisoning – Rhodes 2 Safety

Poisoning is scary and it’s serious.  There are five entry routes by which a poison can enter your dog’s system: * Ingested (swallowed) It might be that the poison is physically eaten by the dog or perhaps it was on his coat and he has licked himself to clean it off and swallowed it in […]

Canine Tip of the Day: Friction Burns

When you have a fast moving, athletic dog who loves to chase or race or turn on a sixpence, friction burns to the pads are an occupational hazard.  People tend to think of burns merely in the capacity of being caused by something hot, like a flame or boiling water, but there are several different […]