Tags: debris

Cut Paw Pad – Rhodes 2 Safety

Cut Paw Pad:  It’s not always obvious when a dog cut’s his paw and often it might not be unless you actually see him limping or spot blood on the ground.  Often it’s not until he comes home or you give his muddy paws a rub over that you notice the problem.  The important thing […]


Conjunctivitis can be caused by several different things including:- * allergies, * irritation (dust or smoke), * foreign bodies like grass seeds, * hairs or eyelashes facing the wrong way and poking inwards, * infections * poor tear production. Symptoms * most common symptom is redness of the eye, * may also be discharge weeping from the eye […]

DE or Diatomaceous Earth

DE or DIATOMACEOUS EARTH Ive been asked on a number of occasions about Diatomaceous Earth.  As people get more and more keen to avoid pumping chemicals and drugs into themselves or their dogs, alternatives such as DE are coming more the fore.  DE is suitable not just for dogs but for humans, horses, chicken …. well, […]

Drowning – Rhodes 2 Safety

  Today’s tip tackles the steps to take if your dog has been involved in a drowning/water based emergency. Begin by using your DR.ABC assessment method:-   D = Danger (Is it safe?) R = Response (Is he responding to you?) A = Airway (Open his Airway, pull his tongue forward & clear his mouth of […]