Tags: discharge

Bladder Problems – Rhodes 2 Safety

What pointers might you see to indicate a bladder or urinary tract infection?  Well, there are several questions you might ask yourself when considering bladder problems – the same ones your vet is likely to ask of you if you do decide you need a professional opinion.  The sort of questions to consider are:- – Is […]

Discharge from the penis

Having girl dogs means that unless the bitch is spayed, you will have to contend with hormones, seasons, phantom pregnancies and the like.  My house is only big enough for one set of girlie hormones and I’m afraid they’re mine!  For this reason, I opt to have boy dogs in my life but the boys do […]


Conjunctivitis can be caused by several different things including:- * allergies, * irritation (dust or smoke), * foreign bodies like grass seeds, * hairs or eyelashes facing the wrong way and poking inwards, * infections * poor tear production. Symptoms * most common symptom is redness of the eye, * may also be discharge weeping from the eye […]