Tags: emetic


Antifreeze is different from De-Icer which is different from screenwash.  There are many DIY recipes for making Screenwash, but the following is the one my elderly uncle uses and recommends (I would suggest doing a bit of research and seeing which version suits you best): 1) 1 Tablespoon of dishwashing liquid (Fairy by preference which […]

Swallowing things they shouldn’t

Swallowing things they shouldn’t – and things “hanging out” the other end! Dogs do tend to wolf down anything and everything – and not all the things they try to consume are good for them!  Sometimes they manage to swallow the most inappropriate of things ranging from socks and pants, through to needles and thread […]

Poisoning – Rhodes 2 Safety

Poisoning is scary and it’s serious.  There are five entry routes by which a poison can enter your dog’s system: * Ingested (swallowed) It might be that the poison is physically eaten by the dog or perhaps it was on his coat and he has licked himself to clean it off and swallowed it in […]