Tags: eyes

Weepy/Watery Eyes – Rhodes 2 Safety

Weepy/Watery Eyes:  Sometimes, particularly with dogs who have paler coloured fur, you might notice that their eyes are weeping or watery.  Some breeds are more prone to this condition than others for example the Poodle, the Shih Tzu, the Bichon Frise and the Maltese, but any breed can suffer with it. Breeds with larger eyes, such […]


Conjunctivitis can be caused by several different things including:- * allergies, * irritation (dust or smoke), * foreign bodies like grass seeds, * hairs or eyelashes facing the wrong way and poking inwards, * infections * poor tear production. Symptoms * most common symptom is redness of the eye, * may also be discharge weeping from the eye […]

Foreign Bodies – feet

As spring takes hold and moves towards the summer, the plants start to grow again and belting through long grasses and shrubbery can pose an occupational hazard for a dog where foreign bodies (FBs) are concerned. FB’s such as grass seeds can often be found having entered the ears, nose, eyes, vulva or skin and especially the […]

Does my dog have cateracts?

Does my dog have cateracts?

Does my dog have cateracts?  Many dog owners of older dogs think their pet has developed cataracts because they notice that the lens of the eye has taken on a greyish bluish colour at its centre. Any such changes in the eye should ALWAYS be checked out by the Vet but, in fact, in the […]