Tags: First Aid at Work

Canine Tip of the Day: Ticks

  Ticks come in lots of different colours and sizes; from grey, pink, red, brown and black, and right through from the size of a pin-head to a big fat juicy rice-crispy.  They are carried on things like sheep and deer and drop off into the grass and undergrowth so that when an animal passes through, […]

Canine Quiz – Q5

  Today’s K9 Quiz Q5 is the last in this section So how did you do? Hopefully, you all did really well but, if you didn’t, maybe this week of scenarios might galvanize you into finding out a bit more or preparing yourselves better JUST IN CASE. Next week we will be back to Tips of […]

Pulse Rates

Pulse Rates – Whenever your dog is sick, we always suggest that you take his pulse to get an idea of how sick he really may be. There are 2 things about this that are worth mentioning: Firstly, do you know WHERE to find your dog’s pulse? The easiest place is directly over the heart, […]

Artificial Respiration

If the dog is NOT breathing but DOES have a pulse, you need to perform artificial respiration.  Artificial respiration is NOT the same as CPR (CPR is compressions on the heart AND breaths), artificial respiration is just breathing for a dog who still has a heartbeat as follows: 1)       Lay the dog on his right side with […]

Canine Tip of the Day: CPR

C = Cardio (heart) P = Pulmonary (breathing/lungs) R = Resuscitation (the act of beating the heart and breathing for a third party to revive them)  .  . CPR is ONLY performed when the animal is neither breathing nor has a heart beat.  . If he DOES have a heart beat but is NOT breathing, perform Artificial Respiration […]