Nettle Stings – treatment
TREATMENT FOR NETTLE STINGS We have covered various allergic reactions in previous blogs including bees, wasps, toads and caterpillars. Don’t forget that when Spring has sprung and new growth […]
TREATMENT FOR NETTLE STINGS We have covered various allergic reactions in previous blogs including bees, wasps, toads and caterpillars. Don’t forget that when Spring has sprung and new growth […]
MDR1 (or Multi-Drug Resistant protein gene) The MDR1 gene protects the brain by ensuring that any harmful chemical are transported AWAY from the brain. In some dogs who are members of the […]
There are many things that can trigger allergic reactions and hives in our animals – everything from food or medication that doesn’t agree with them, bee stings, wasp stings, nettle […]
Bee & Wasp Stings – In the summer and early autumn, stings from bees and wasps are an occupational hazard for a dog. Because they like to roam about investigating […]