Tags: sore

Interdigital Cysts – Rhodes 2 Safety

OK, that sounds like a scary medical term, so what exactly are interdigital cysts? In actual fact, the correct term for this problem is Interdigital Furunculosis and you may hear it referred to that way but generally speaking the word cyst is used instead. If we break the term down into its component parts, we […]

Hot Spots & Wet Eczema

Hot Spots & Wet Eczema are the same thing.  Dermatitis is “doctor-speak”.  If you break down the parts of the word you get derm which means skin and itis which means inflammation therefore if you or your dog are suffering from dermatitis, it simply means inflammation of the skin.  In dogs, it can be caused […]

Canine Acne

Canine Acne you say??  Really?? Yes, dogs do get “zits”!!!!! – This condition causes abnormalities in the hair follicles especially around the chin and muzzle.  Larger, short coated breeds are affected most often eg Great Dane, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Boxer, Doberman, Rottweiler etc.  Acne is seen first in young adult animals. (BOTH my Ridgebacks suffered mildly […]