Tags: vet treatment

Pain Killers – Rhodes 2 Safety

I often get asked if there are any pain killers we can give to dogs if they injure themselves – for example if they suffer a sprain or strain.  Many people get confused about what we can and cannot give to dogs – and rightly so.  There are many drugs that are perfectly fine for humans to […]

Vet Wrap – Rhodes 2 Safety

Vet Wrap – In an ideal world, I would love for every single one of you have a well stocked first aid box.  . Obviously, its not normal to carry everything but the kitchen sink around with us on our walks though, so if you only have ONE piece of first aid equipment, make it a […]

Basic First Aid for Eye Injuries

Basic first aid for eye injuries Object in the eye: Our eyes are so important to us, whether we are humans, dogs or another species entirely.  For this reason, any “messing about” with eyeballs causes extreme fear and wariness and so before you start trying to help, please think about your own physical safety and […]