Tags: worms

Eating Poo – Rhodes 2 Safety

Eating Poo (or coprophagia to give it its medical term) causes an awful lot of revulsion for the owners of dogs who, for whatever reason, like to eat poo.  Because faeces are an easily digestible source of protein or vegetation (mine do love a sneaky mouthfull of horse-poo!!) many predatory species will do this.  Here […]

Worm Count

The document below was created by a Facebook friend of mine, the lovely Jodi Davies.   Many people are opting to try to reduce the amount of chemical medication, pesticides and wormers they use with their dogs and one way of checking to see if your dog actually needs to be wormed is by carrying out […]

DE or Diatomaceous Earth

DE or DIATOMACEOUS EARTH Ive been asked on a number of occasions about Diatomaceous Earth.  As people get more and more keen to avoid pumping chemicals and drugs into themselves or their dogs, alternatives such as DE are coming more the fore.  DE is suitable not just for dogs but for humans, horses, chicken …. well, […]