Nosebleeds – Rhodes 2 Safety

Nosebleeds – Rhodes 2 Safety

Nosebleeds   When dogs have nosebleeds, they usually occur as a result of trauma while running/playing or can sometimes happen after violent sneezing or even if they have got something lodged up a nostril. Dogs can have nose bleeds just like we do.

The best action is to try to keep the dog as quiet as possible and elevate the nose slightly (yes I know, easier said than done – but if you can have him lie next to you with his head on your lap, you can aim his nose slightly upwards, or even just horizontally and elevate it this way without him noticing too much). We do not want to tip his head back very far as this may cause a choking incident so merely a slight degree of incline is sufficient.

If possible, you can use cold packs over the top nose and also on top of the muzzle to help slow down the bleed.  Please be careful that you do not obstruct the dog’s airway by blocking the nostrils.

N.B. Ice packs and frozen peas for example are great for this but we need to remember that the hair covering the muzzle is more sparse than on the rest of the body so please lay a cloth or towel over the muzzle BEFORE the cold packs to ensure they do not come in direct contact with his skin.

Homeopathic Assisance: Arnica is a useful homeopathic first aid remedy here. Carbo veg can be used if the bleed is associated with severe sneezing. Both should be given every 5-10 minutes until the bleeding stops. Another thing to try which should help the bleed to clot is Lachesis 30.

If the nose is still bleeding with no signs of reduction in volume of blood after half an hour, a quick call to your vet should be made to clarify the situation and get some professional advice. While it is likely he will merely tell you to keep doing what you’re doing for another hour or so, as a mere “first aider” treating a bleed, we really should be talking to the professionals if things do not look like they are resolving after 30 minutes.

Remember to keep one eye on your dog’s breathing rate and heart rate at all times as any increase in either could indicate that he is going into shock, something that can happen if the cause of the bleed is serious or if the amount of blood he is losing is severe.  If he does start breathing or his heart beating more quickly, check his capillary refill by gently pressing your finger on his gum, just above his canine tooth.  When you take your finger off, you should see a white finger mark which will turn straight back to pink again.  If it takes LONGER than 2 seconds to return to pink where your finger had been pressing, your dog is very poorly and needs an emergency appointment with your vet NOW.

For treatment of shock, please refer to our blog on shock itself