Tags: trauma

Head Pressing – Rhodes 2 Safety

Head Pressing: Have you ever noticed your dog (or cat) sitting or standing with his head pressed against the wall?  Perhaps he presses it against the floor or other solid object and stands/sits still in this very odd position?  Don’t confuse the normal “head-butting” that they often do to your shins, that’s just dog stuff; […]

Bleeding Tongue

Bleeding tongue: A dog’s tongue is important for many things including eating, cleaning themselves, lapping up water, bonding with the pack and showing submission.  Luckily, there aren’t many issues or illnesses that affect dogs’ tongues, however they are susceptible to injury perhaps during general investigation with their mouths by biting, chewing or picking up something which may be sharp […]

Internal Bleeding – Rhodes 2 Safety

After an accident where there has been significant trauma, say like a road traffic collision or fall from a height, or perhaps when our dog has a serious disease or infection, internal bleeding can develop. When we see blood from a wound, we know instinctively that we need to stop the bleeding as quickly as […]

Road Traffic Accidents – Rhodes 2 Safety

Life turns on a sixpence.  One minute all is happy and sunny … the next things can become as black as you could ever imagine.  Road Traffic Accidents have to be one of a dog owner’s worst nightmares.  A lovely walk can quickly spiral into a traumatic experience and if it does, the owner’s ability […]

Ears – Basic 1st Aid

Ears – Basic 1st Aid for ……   Constant shaking/scratching * Examine the ear opening by lifting the ear flap and looking inside. * Provided it is near the very top of the ear canal, if you are able to see an obvious foreign body, you can remove this yourself gently with your fingers.  If you must […]

Dog Bites – Rhodes 2 Safety

Before you treat any type of bleed/wound, you should always go through the SEEP checklist, to ensure you take all the right steps in the correct order. Treating a bleed relies heavily on things like the application of pressure, and the positioning of the animal’s injured limb as bleeding will slow down it if has […]

Canine Tip of the Day: Ticks

  Ticks come in lots of different colours and sizes; from grey, pink, red, brown and black, and right through from the size of a pin-head to a big fat juicy rice-crispy.  They are carried on things like sheep and deer and drop off into the grass and undergrowth so that when an animal passes through, […]

Eclampsia – Rhodes 2 Safety

  Eclampsia (often known as milk fever) is a serious disease caused by calcium deficiency which may occur in late pregnancy or, more usually, after the puppies are born, when the milk production is at its peak.  It is more common amongst smaller bitches who are nursing large litters or bitches who are feeding big, healthy, […]

Severe Injury to the eye, eg by stone/ball

Severe Injury to the eye  – Again, with such a serious eye injury it is vitally important that we access professional veterinary help as soon as possible.  Please be aware that the dog will be in severe discomfort so application of a muzzle may well be appropriate. If the object that has hit the dog […]

Basic First Aid for Eye Injuries

Basic first aid for eye injuries Object in the eye: Our eyes are so important to us, whether we are humans, dogs or another species entirely.  For this reason, any “messing about” with eyeballs causes extreme fear and wariness and so before you start trying to help, please think about your own physical safety and […]

Treatment for wounds and bleeding

Treatment for wounds and bleeding – before you treat any type of bleed/wound, you should always go through the SEEP checklist, to ensure you take all the right steps in the correct order.  Treating a bleed relies heavily on things like the application of pressure, and the positioning of the animal’s injured limb as bleeding […]

Nosebleeds – Rhodes 2 Safety

Nosebleeds   When dogs have nosebleeds, they usually occur as a result of trauma while running/playing or can sometimes happen after violent sneezing or even if they have got something lodged up a nostril. Dogs can have nose bleeds just like we do. The best action is to try to keep the dog as quiet as possible […]