Mild Seizures

Mild Seizures

Mild Seizures

Rain has had idiopathic epilepsy since he was 14 months old.  Today, at the age of 10.5 he experienced a very mild seizure which is now normal for him, every 8 weeks or so.  Because people often think that fits will be massive, violent, thrashing episodes, I thought I would share this video with you so  you could get another take on how a fit can sometimes present.  I will say her and now, he’s absolutely fine and was back to his normal self just about 10 minutes after it all subsided.

Just click this link below to see the video:

Rain experiencing a mild seizure


I mention in the clip about a technique called Ocular Pressure.  Here is the blog we wrote on that some time ago, should you wish to learn more about the technique: Ocular Pressure Blog by Rhodes 2 Safety