Tags: danger

Muzzle Acceptance – Rhodes 2 Safety

How and why to introduce Muzzle Acceptance:  The first thing to consider in any first aid situation is your own personal safety, be that from road traffic, electricity, fast flowing water, or particularly when dealing with animals, claws and teeth.  I always tell our students that if you need to deal with a frightened dog or one […]

Cold Weather Warnings

Cold Weather Warnings – I’ve been asked today to put a few tips together regarding the cold weather and dangers this presents so here’s a few thoughts on the subject: Grit/Salt on the roads When its icy and snowy the ground becomes very dangerous and to combat that our local councils tend to scatter grit/salt […]

Giving a Tablet

GIVING A TABLET: Dogs are not keen on taking their medication and can be very good at hiding pills in their mouths and spitting them out when you are not looking.  Rather than calling a dog to you for his medication, have it ready and wait for him to come of his own accord.  You […]