Tags: elevate

Cut Paw Pad – Rhodes 2 Safety

Cut Paw Pad:  It’s not always obvious when a dog cut’s his paw and often it might not be unless you actually see him limping or spot blood on the ground.  Often it’s not until he comes home or you give his muddy paws a rub over that you notice the problem.  The important thing […]

Shock – Rhodes 2 Safety

  When people think about canine first aid, they tend to think about things like how to do CPR and artificial respiration – the “big ones”, if you will.  In actual fact, probably the most serious and potentially life threatening situation you need to be able to spot and treat is shock. In a nutshell, […]

Treatment for wounds and bleeding

Treatment for wounds and bleeding – before you treat any type of bleed/wound, you should always go through the SEEP checklist, to ensure you take all the right steps in the correct order.  Treating a bleed relies heavily on things like the application of pressure, and the positioning of the animal’s injured limb as bleeding […]

Wounds & Bleeding

Recognising different categories of wounds and bleeding . . Although its not at all important for the average dog owner to know the medical terminology for the various categories of wounds and bleeds, knowing how to differentiate between the the different types of wounds will help you decide how best to dress/treat a wound.  For instance with […]