Medic Alert Tags
I’m sure you’ve seen medic alert tag for humans, right? When you have a history or illness that requires medication such as epilepsy or diabetes for example, the patient will […]
I’m sure you’ve seen medic alert tag for humans, right? When you have a history or illness that requires medication such as epilepsy or diabetes for example, the patient will […]
Giving a Pill or bandaging a wriggly furball can be tricky! This weekend we were training in Horsham. A beautiful day meant as we set up, we had the doors open […]
Zoopharmacognosy – wow, that’s a big word but what the heck does it mean? Well, in simple terms, Zoopharmacognosy is a behaviour in which non-human animals self-medicate by selecting, inhaling, eating […]
I often get asked if there are any pain killers we can give to dogs if they injure themselves – for example if they suffer a sprain or strain. Many people get […]
Heart Disease & Failure: Seen in middle and old age, this is the most common problem to affect our beloved canine companions. This disease is particularly prevalent in small breeds […]
There are many things that can trigger allergic reactions and hives in our animals – everything from food or medication that doesn’t agree with them, bee stings, wasp stings, nettle […]
GIVING A TABLET: Dogs are not keen on taking their medication and can be very good at hiding pills in their mouths and spitting them out when you are not […]