Tags: muzzle


We are Super Excited to now be able to stock “Dog Buff” at £10 each (plus p&p)  Available in two sizes: S/M or M/L ……. but it’s not just cool and trendy – oh no! There are hidden depths to a Dog Buff I know many of us dog-walkers already own a Buff to keep […]

Sunburn – Rhodes 2 Safety

Sunburn It’s important to remember that even the most innocent of situations can result in sunburn or burns of one type or another.  There are 5 main types you need to be aware of – Hot, Cold, Friction, Electrical and Chemical.  When we think of Hot burns, we usually think about fire or may be spilling […]

Cut Paw Pad – Rhodes 2 Safety

Cut Paw Pad:  It’s not always obvious when a dog cut’s his paw and often it might not be unless you actually see him limping or spot blood on the ground.  Often it’s not until he comes home or you give his muddy paws a rub over that you notice the problem.  The important thing […]

Vet Wrap – Rhodes 2 Safety

Vet Wrap – In an ideal world, I would love for every single one of you have a well stocked first aid box.  . Obviously, its not normal to carry everything but the kitchen sink around with us on our walks though, so if you only have ONE piece of first aid equipment, make it a […]