Tags: torsion

Bloat (acu-point)

Any dog can be susceptible to bloat (also known as torsion or GDV) but it is especially prevalent if you have a deeper chested breed such as a Ridgeback, Great Dane, Boxer etc – and if they like to wolf down their food then this problem is even more of a worry.  In essence, it […]

Undescended Testicles – Rhodes 2 Safety

Undescended Testicles is also known as Cryptorchidism. When a male puppy is born, his testicles will still be within his abdomen.  As he developes and grows, they will slowly start to “descend” down the tubes until they arrive at their permanent place in his scrotum.  It is important for mammals to be able to keep their sperm […]

Iced Water – is it bad?

Is it bad to give your dog Iced Water or Ice Cubes to cool them? Straight answer = NO It seems that there has been a post floating around the net and on Facebook over and over telling of a very tragic incident which was put down to the use of iced water. (see link for […]

Bloat aka Torsion/GDV

BLOAT  – Also known as Torsion or GDV – A condition most frequent in, but not restricted to, large and giant breeds.  The stomach fills with gas and rather than expelling it as normal, the gut twists and flips over on itself cutting off the blood supply and results in the tissue dying, often with fatal […]