Tags: tumours

Rhodes 2 Safety Coda Nose

Noses, Scents, Signals and Anal Glands

Noses, Scents, Signals and Anal Glands Is your dog constantly licking, pestering, nudging and flirting with your other dog?  Read on. Dog noses are incredible things – exceptional in fact (though not so much when it is shoved up your derrière unexpectedly in the dark dead of night … but that’s a different story entirely!  […]

Feet – Rhodes 2 Safety

Feet:  With dogs, problems affecting the feet and nails are pretty common and can range from something as simple as a torn nail or be a symptom of a more general skin disease. Common causes of foot problems are:- 1. Parsitic Problems: Harvest Mite, Demodectic Mange, Hookworms 2. Allergic or Irritant Dermatitis: Dogs who suffer […]