Tags: CAT

Head Pressing – Rhodes 2 Safety

Head Pressing: Have you ever noticed your dog (or cat) sitting or standing with his head pressed against the wall?  Perhaps he presses it against the floor or other solid object and stands/sits still in this very odd position?  Don’t confuse the normal “head-butting” that they often do to your shins, that’s just dog stuff; […]

Tea Tree Oil – Rhodes 2 Safety

There have been a number of occasions where I’ve read on various forums of people (and in some cases as advised by their vets) advocating the use of Tea Tree oil when treating conditions like skin irritation or hot spots for dogs.  Tea Tree oil is indeed wonderful stuff but it can, in fact, be […]

Worm Count

The document below was created by a Facebook friend of mine, the lovely Jodi Davies.   Many people are opting to try to reduce the amount of chemical medication, pesticides and wormers they use with their dogs and one way of checking to see if your dog actually needs to be wormed is by carrying out […]

Diagnostic Tests

Often when our dogs are ill, we trundle off to see the vet and he recommends various diagnostic tests to try to shed a bit of light on exactly what is wrong with them.  In the absence of their being able to talk to us to tell us exactly how they are feeling, these tests […]