Tags: infection

Interdigital Cysts – Rhodes 2 Safety

OK, that sounds like a scary medical term, so what exactly are interdigital cysts? In actual fact, the correct term for this problem is Interdigital Furunculosis and you may hear it referred to that way but generally speaking the word cyst is used instead. If we break the term down into its component parts, we […]

Head Pressing – Rhodes 2 Safety

Head Pressing: Have you ever noticed your dog (or cat) sitting or standing with his head pressed against the wall?  Perhaps he presses it against the floor or other solid object and stands/sits still in this very odd position?  Don’t confuse the normal “head-butting” that they often do to your shins, that’s just dog stuff; […]

Tea Tree Oil – Rhodes 2 Safety

There have been a number of occasions where I’ve read on various forums of people (and in some cases as advised by their vets) advocating the use of Tea Tree oil when treating conditions like skin irritation or hot spots for dogs.  Tea Tree oil is indeed wonderful stuff but it can, in fact, be […]

Activated Charcoal – Rhodes 2 Safety

Activated Charcoal:  Charcoal is amazing stuff with many uses.  I’ve always used it with my dogs in the form of charcoal biscuits, as it’s great for stopping unwanted odours when your furry friend passes wind – and we all know how pungent that can be!  Simply giving a couple of biscuits in the morning and […]

Discharge from the penis

Having girl dogs means that unless the bitch is spayed, you will have to contend with hormones, seasons, phantom pregnancies and the like.  My house is only big enough for one set of girlie hormones and I’m afraid they’re mine!  For this reason, I opt to have boy dogs in my life but the boys do […]


Conjunctivitis can be caused by several different things including:- * allergies, * irritation (dust or smoke), * foreign bodies like grass seeds, * hairs or eyelashes facing the wrong way and poking inwards, * infections * poor tear production. Symptoms * most common symptom is redness of the eye, * may also be discharge weeping from the eye […]


When we refer to a Stroke in dogs, this is not actually the same as what we understand as a stroke in humans – it’s just a kind of shorthand that vets sometimes use to help us understand.  In actual fact, it is Vestibular Syndrome, which is caused by damage to the inner ear or […]

Mastitis – Rhodes 2 Safety

Mastitis = inflammation in the mammary gland. Mastitis is usually caused by an infection which has entered via the teat, through a skin wound caused by a puppy, or via the bloodstream. The teat and breast tissue will be warm and may be swollen and tender.  If the mastitis is more severe, there may be […]


Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) As per a request, today’s and tomorrow’s info is about mange (and can I just say that typing this for you all is making me itch like a good ‘un!!!) Sarcoptic mange (scabies) is caused by a tiny, microscopic mite, which lives permanently within the top layers of the skin. * It causes […]