Tags: licking

Rhodes 2 Safety Coda Nose

Noses, Scents, Signals and Anal Glands

Noses, Scents, Signals and Anal Glands Is your dog constantly licking, pestering, nudging and flirting with your other dog?  Read on. Dog noses are incredible things – exceptional in fact (though not so much when it is shoved up your derrière unexpectedly in the dark dead of night … but that’s a different story entirely!  […]

Discharge from the penis

Having girl dogs means that unless the bitch is spayed, you will have to contend with hormones, seasons, phantom pregnancies and the like.  My house is only big enough for one set of girlie hormones and I’m afraid they’re mine!  For this reason, I opt to have boy dogs in my life but the boys do […]

Licking wounds or stitches – Rhodes 2 Safety

Licking wounds/stitches: When a dog has an injury, be that an irritation, a wound or stitches after surgery, the natural thing for him to do is to try to lick the area to clean it, reduce irritation or soothe himself.  Unfortunately licking can be more harm than good as the saliva may cause bacterial infection.  […]

Licking the Paws – Rhodes 2 Safety

Licking the paws …….. Why? . This is one of the most common questions I get asked and in all honesty, there is no simple straight-forward answer.  First we need to establish whether the dog is licking his paws because there is a medical condition causing his discomfort or whether it is simply a behaviour he’s […]

Feet – Rhodes 2 Safety

Feet:  With dogs, problems affecting the feet and nails are pretty common and can range from something as simple as a torn nail or be a symptom of a more general skin disease. Common causes of foot problems are:- 1. Parsitic Problems: Harvest Mite, Demodectic Mange, Hookworms 2. Allergic or Irritant Dermatitis: Dogs who suffer […]

Coat Contamination – Rhodes 2 Safety

Coat contamination with whatever chemical or substance should always be taken very seriously.  Any product on the coat can easily work its way onto the skin and then absorb through the layers of the dermis and into the blood stream.  If this happens, there is the potential for your dog to be poisoned.  This is […]