Tags: professional

Cold Burns – Rhodes 2 Safety

Cold Burns:  There are 5 main categories of burn that we need to be aware of, not just the ones caused by flames or hot cups of tea and in fact, some burns are caused by the opposite of heat!  The 5 include: Hot Cold Chemical Friction Electrical As we in the UK are currently […]

Licking the Paws – Rhodes 2 Safety

Licking the paws …….. Why? . This is one of the most common questions I get asked and in all honesty, there is no simple straight-forward answer.  First we need to establish whether the dog is licking his paws because there is a medical condition causing his discomfort or whether it is simply a behaviour he’s […]

Nasal Discharge or Sneezing

There are many different causes for nasal discharge or sneezing in our furry friends and it seems that longer-nosed dogs are more likely to suffer than their shorter-nosed counterparts. The more common ones would be foreign bodies, allergic reactions, kennel cough viruses, fungal infections and, sadly, nasal tumours.  Occasionally, severe dental infections can cause a nasal discharge […]