Tags: safety

Canine Tip of the Day: Travel Safety

These days, most of us travel about by car quite a bit and as such, we need to know that our furry friends are safe too.  Long gone are the days when we used to drive our cars without wearing seatbelts now that our awareness of health and safety has grown. The same should now be […]

Muzzle Acceptance – Rhodes 2 Safety

How and why to introduce Muzzle Acceptance:  The first thing to consider in any first aid situation is your own personal safety, be that from road traffic, electricity, fast flowing water, or particularly when dealing with animals, claws and teeth.  I always tell our students that if you need to deal with a frightened dog or one […]

Christmas Safety Warnings – Rhodes 2 Safety

Christmas Safety Warnings: I’w writing today’s blog in the second week of December so today’s “Canine Tip of the Day” has a few seasonal reminders to keep our dog’s safe now that many of us have put up a Christmas tree in the house. I would also add the obvious but sometimes forgotten tip of […]

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

 Rhodes 2 Safety would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas & a Safe and Happy New Year for 2013. All our love from Axl and the whole R2S Team. xxx