Tags: lumps

Rhodes 2 Safety Coda Nose

Noses, Scents, Signals and Anal Glands

Noses, Scents, Signals and Anal Glands Is your dog constantly licking, pestering, nudging and flirting with your other dog?  Read on. Dog noses are incredible things – exceptional in fact (though not so much when it is shoved up your derrière unexpectedly in the dark dead of night … but that’s a different story entirely!  […]

Licking the Paws – Rhodes 2 Safety

Licking the paws …….. Why? . This is one of the most common questions I get asked and in all honesty, there is no simple straight-forward answer.  First we need to establish whether the dog is licking his paws because there is a medical condition causing his discomfort or whether it is simply a behaviour he’s […]

Tumours, Lumps & Bumps

Tumours, Lumps & Bumps – When you notice a lump on your dog, it’s very scary.  You instantly start thinking the worst as to what it could be, how long has it been there and whether you should have noticed it sooner.  The important thing is that now you HAVE noticed it, you need to keep […]