Tags: Rhodes 2 Safety


This is one of the accompanying symptoms of Laryngeal Paralysis together with the breathing issues and hind end weakness. However, other things can cause acid reflux too such as food (quantities, type and ingredients) medication and other medical conditions. Antacid Medication such as Omeprazole (20mg daily for a dog the size of a Ridgeback) can […]


Deafness in our dogs can easily go unnoticed for quite a while.  Sometimes, when we get older, we like to think that rules don’t apply to us any more and we like to do things our own way and the same is true of our dogs.  I think it’s because of that fact that deafness […]

Phantom Pregnancies in Dogs

I get many emails and messages every week, but by far one of the most common subjects is that of Phantom Pregnancies in Dogs.  If you have a bitch who has not been spayed, the chances are you will know exactly what I’m talking about.  Hormone changes and surges can play havoc with your darling […]

Britain’s Best 100 Dogs … featuring R2S

Britain’s Best 100 Dogs? Well, it seems we at Rhodes 2 Safety are not alone in recognising the skills and beauty of our amazing Rhodesian Ridgebacks Axl, Rain and Chi.  So much so, in fact, that they even got to feature in an ITV documentary. Obviously, I think they look A-MAY-ZING on the telly, but […]

R2S Funds New Pet Oxygen Masks

We are delighted that together with the Peel Veterinary Group and K9 Investigation Dogs, we have been able to fund pet oxygen masks to the brilliant team at Humberside Fire and Rescue Service.  The addition of these valuable bits of kit will mean the difference of life and death for those animals caught up in […]

Rhodes 2 Safety – WHO ARE WE?

Sometimes, a wee video can give you more of an idea of who somebody is … or what they do … or the type of personality they have.   With that in mind …. WHO ARE WE? just click the link to find out