Tags: Canine

Contacting a Vet URGENTLY

Contacting a vet urgently is something we need to be able to do in the blink of an eye.  More times than enough, we need urgent assistance at what always appears to be completely the WRONG time – out of office hours, on a bank holiday, at Christmas, you name it.  Emergencies just never seem […]

Brushing Teeth – video blog

Today’s tip of the day came off the back of a brilliant video I posted this week – it showed a fabulous little Jack Russell having his teeth brushed and it was cute beyond compare.  But that got me thinking.  Do you Need to clean your dog’s teeth?  Should you bother? Do some dogs need […]

Giving a Pill the EASY way

Giving a Pill or bandaging a wriggly furball can be tricky! This weekend we were training in Horsham.  A beautiful day meant as we set up, we had the doors open so the dogs could trot in and out and enjoy the garden.  True to form, when Chi came back in, I noticed that he had […]

Lungworm Area locator

I’m sure you’ve seen adverts for lungworm treatments at your vets, on the TV or maybe at your doggy day care facility, but many people have said they don’t really know what lungworm is and whether they need to take any steps in this regard.  Well, firstly, here’s the R2S blog in case you feel you need […]

Colitis in dogs

Colitis is really uncomfortable and unpleasant – and it doesn’t just affect us humans.  Your dog can suffer with this too and it has many causes.  So, what actually is colitis? The colon is part of the intestine and is responsible for doing things like collecting the fibrous parts of the diet that the dog […]

Canine Lymphoma – a new report is out

Canine Lymphoma is one of the most common forms of cancer experienced by our canine companions – its very aggressive and has a poor prognosis.  Nothing strikes fear into our hearts quite like the word cancer.  Although treatments and therapies are getting better and cures and life expectancy are on the up, still our first reaction on […]

Bloat (acu-point)

Any dog can be susceptible to bloat (also known as torsion or GDV) but it is especially prevalent if you have a deeper chested breed such as a Ridgeback, Great Dane, Boxer etc – and if they like to wolf down their food then this problem is even more of a worry.  In essence, it […]

Which Fruits are Safe To Eat?

A lot of dog’s really do like the odd piece of fruit.  They enjoy a taste of something sweet from time to time, just as we do.  When it’s hot, feeding your dog some frozen fruit can be a really good way of cooling them down while giving them a tasty, low calorie treat too.  […]