Tags: Shock

Electric Shock – Electrocution

Electric Shock is a serious business whether you are a human, a dog or any other living being come to that.  With pets who like to gnaw such as rabbits or rats for example, or with puppies and adolescent animals or perhaps those “entertaining” themselves due to separation anxiety, it can be a real worry.  […]

Chemical Burns – Rhodes 2 Safety

Chemical burns come in all sorts of guises – from our dogs sticking their noses into substances in the garage or garden shed, finding “dumped” chemicals in the undergrowth on our walks, on their paws if they walk through a spilt liquid on the floor or road or may be even with something as seemingly innocent as walking […]

Cold Burns – Rhodes 2 Safety

Cold Burns:  There are 5 main categories of burn that we need to be aware of, not just the ones caused by flames or hot cups of tea and in fact, some burns are caused by the opposite of heat!  The 5 include: Hot Cold Chemical Friction Electrical As we in the UK are currently […]

Cut Paw Pad – Rhodes 2 Safety

Cut Paw Pad:  It’s not always obvious when a dog cut’s his paw and often it might not be unless you actually see him limping or spot blood on the ground.  Often it’s not until he comes home or you give his muddy paws a rub over that you notice the problem.  The important thing […]

Poisoning – Rhodes 2 Safety

Poisoning is scary and it’s serious.  There are five entry routes by which a poison can enter your dog’s system: * Ingested (swallowed) It might be that the poison is physically eaten by the dog or perhaps it was on his coat and he has licked himself to clean it off and swallowed it in […]

Jellyfish Stings

Currently in the UK we are experiencing a high influx of jellyfish (and therefore jellyfish stings ) to our coastline.  Although the majority are not dangerous, some are, so here’s our guide to jellyfish treatment – for both ourselves as well as our dogs. Before we go any further, the advice below in no way […]

Rat Poison

In my local area I have recently been made aware of at least 3 instances where dogs have ingested rat poison – sadly, one of those dogs didn’t make it. Since then, another of my friends has found rat poison dumped in the garden after their neighbours took exception to the dogs barking.  So, firstly, would you […]


In a nutshell, heatstroke occurs when a dog is subjected atmospherically to high temperatures so that might be where a dog cannot get out of the heat, for example if they are left in a car in warm weather – or perhaps if you have a “sun-worshiper” who just loves to be out baking his brain in […]

Canine Tip of the Day: Friction Burns

When you have a fast moving, athletic dog who loves to chase or race or turn on a sixpence, friction burns to the pads are an occupational hazard.  People tend to think of burns merely in the capacity of being caused by something hot, like a flame or boiling water, but there are several different […]

Internal Bleeding – Rhodes 2 Safety

After an accident where there has been significant trauma, say like a road traffic collision or fall from a height, or perhaps when our dog has a serious disease or infection, internal bleeding can develop. When we see blood from a wound, we know instinctively that we need to stop the bleeding as quickly as […]

Road Traffic Accidents – Rhodes 2 Safety

Life turns on a sixpence.  One minute all is happy and sunny … the next things can become as black as you could ever imagine.  Road Traffic Accidents have to be one of a dog owner’s worst nightmares.  A lovely walk can quickly spiral into a traumatic experience and if it does, the owner’s ability […]

Dog Bites – Rhodes 2 Safety

Before you treat any type of bleed/wound, you should always go through the SEEP checklist, to ensure you take all the right steps in the correct order. Treating a bleed relies heavily on things like the application of pressure, and the positioning of the animal’s injured limb as bleeding will slow down it if has […]

Allergic Reactions/Hives

There are many things that can trigger allergic reactions and hives in our animals – everything from food or medication that doesn’t agree with them, bee stings, wasp stings, nettle rash, vaccinations, flying ants, biting “critters” in the grass or undergrowth and even licking toads! This is what happens when you decide to suck a wasp!!! […]

Drowning – Rhodes 2 Safety

  Today’s tip tackles the steps to take if your dog has been involved in a drowning/water based emergency. Begin by using your DR.ABC assessment method:-   D = Danger (Is it safe?) R = Response (Is he responding to you?) A = Airway (Open his Airway, pull his tongue forward & clear his mouth of […]