Irene Ford
Please please don’t ever think it will never happen to me with dogs and balls
Please please don’t ever think it will never happen to me with dogs and balls
Another perfect example of how the simplest of actions can make all the difference in the world. Shock IS a killer and recognising it is so very important. Buster is very lucky to have you.
I was walking my two Ridgeback males along a beach who were only 18 weeks old at the time and both were on leads as they hadn’t quite grasped the leave command.
Yesterday, one of our past students got in touch to share her recent experience with me and she has kindly said I can share it with you all too. I just want to say a massive WELL DONE to Nicola for keeping calm and giving this dog and owner a lifeline to cling to when they must have been so incredibly frightened.
The following story comes from one of our Scottish followers, Irene, who was called upon to use her knowledge just 5 days after she attended one of our courses on the 2013 Autumn tour.
Click the image to read Sox’s story. This is one to read, Toni is an absolute LEGEND for doing what she did in what must have been a very scary situation indeed. Hat’s off to one hell of a groomer!
Click the image to read Columbo story. Columbo likes to dig, and on Thursday he dug up a bit of lethal looking glass that cut his snout.
Nails – (if you are on Facebook, check out the group Nail Maintenance for Dogs for some brilliant advice) Have you ever looked closely at a doggy toe nail? It’s […]