Advice & Tips

Eye Testing (Crufts)

Health Testing is an important part of being a responsible breeder but it’s also a good thing to consider just so you know what could possibly lie ahead for your dog, even if you aren’t considering breeding from him/her. Eye testing is just one thing that you may be considering for your dog and if […]

Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener)

A lot of “dog folk” are unaware of Xylitol, it’s affects on our furry friends or which products you may find it in – I mean, if you don’t know where it will show up, it’s very difficult to avoid it, right? Those of you who know me, will be aware that I have no […]

Canine Tip of the Day: Travel Safety

These days, most of us travel about by car quite a bit and as such, we need to know that our furry friends are safe too.  Long gone are the days when we used to drive our cars without wearing seatbelts now that our awareness of health and safety has grown. The same should now be […]




Antifreeze is different from De-Icer which is different from screenwash.  There are many DIY recipes for making Screenwash, but the following is the one my elderly uncle uses and recommends (I would suggest doing a bit of research and seeing which version suits you best): 1) 1 Tablespoon of dishwashing liquid (Fairy by preference which […]

Gritted and Salted Roads

Gritted and Salted roads When its icy and snowy the ground becomes very dangerous and to combat that our local councils tend to make the surfaces of roads and pavements either gritted or salted to help us with our footing.  While this is very helpful to us as bipeds with poor balancing skills, it can pose a couple […]

Hypothermia (Extreme cold)

“Winter is coming!” No, that’s not a nod just for the Game of Thrones fans (of which I count myself), it’s a serious fact.  Hypothermia can be lethal … and prevention is definitely better than the cure. During the winter time, our pets that live outside grow a heavier coat to protect them through the […]

MDR1 gene & Collies

MDR1 (or Multi-Drug Resistant protein gene) The MDR1 gene protects the brain by ensuring that any harmful chemical are transported AWAY from the brain.  In some dogs who are members of the herding varieties such as Collies and Australian Shepherds, a mutation in this gene causes extreme reactions to various drugs including Ivermectin (found in some heart worm […]


Have you ever had reflexology? Many people swear by it and its not just for us humans you know.  There are various pressure points on a dog’s paw pads that are said to be tightly correlated to various points in their body and, if this is indeed the case, stimulating and massaging these points could well […]


Yeast Infection in Dogs can cause them to be very uncomfortable indeed.  It can strike in various places including within the ear itself or anywhere on the skin of the dog.  Wherever it appears, it will make your dog miserable.  Very often, the main culprit for such a problem is food allergies and the main […]

Dermoid Sinus

You may have heard of something called a pilonidal sinus.  This is a problem that humans can experience and some people also refer to dermoid sinus’ in dogs as a pilonidal sinus too.  However, a true dermoid sinus is actually a neural defect. As a puppy grows in the mother’s womb, there is a connection between […]

Interdigital Cysts – Rhodes 2 Safety

OK, that sounds like a scary medical term, so what exactly are interdigital cysts? In actual fact, the correct term for this problem is Interdigital Furunculosis and you may hear it referred to that way but generally speaking the word cyst is used instead. If we break the term down into its component parts, we […]

Fly Strike – Rhodes 2 Safety

I always encourage our Rhodes 2 Safety followers to get in touch if they have any questions or any past experiences they’d like to share with us all.  Yesterday, I received this one in relation to Fly Strike:- “Years ago I had a dog suffer with fly strike.  I never did find what caused it […]

Normal Temperature – Rhodes 2 Safety

What’s Normal? . Temperature can be indicative of an animal’s general health.  The average temperature of a dog is 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C.  That said, the “normal” temperature for an adult dog can vary from anywhere between 100 and 102.5 degrees F, or 37.8 and 39.2 degrees C. . Sometimes you look […]

Dog-friendly weedkiller – Rhodes 2 Safety

Dog-friendly weedkiller – does it exist? When you are a dog lover, its kind of an unwritten rule that your garden may well take a bit of a hammering.  That said, I do try so if like mine, your garden does get a little “weedy” from time to time, you’ll no doubt be looking for […]

Sunburn – Rhodes 2 Safety

Sunburn It’s important to remember that even the most innocent of situations can result in sunburn or burns of one type or another.  There are 5 main types you need to be aware of – Hot, Cold, Friction, Electrical and Chemical.  When we think of Hot burns, we usually think about fire or may be spilling […]

Head Pressing – Rhodes 2 Safety

Head Pressing: Have you ever noticed your dog (or cat) sitting or standing with his head pressed against the wall?  Perhaps he presses it against the floor or other solid object and stands/sits still in this very odd position?  Don’t confuse the normal “head-butting” that they often do to your shins, that’s just dog stuff; […]

Dog Sports – Rhodes 2 Safety

If like me, you will find any excuse to spend time with your dogs, then I’m sure you’ve probably considered taking up dog sports to do with them as a hobby.  There are lots to choose from – all brilliant ways to keep fit, improve the bond with your dog and just generally while away the hours with your […]

Head Injuries – Rhodes 2 Safety

  Head injuries in dogs can be caused in a number of ways from road traffic accidents, falls from a height say from a cliff top, collisions perhaps during normal play or flyball activities or even infections which cause the brain to swell up. As you’d imagine, any head injury should be treated very carefully […]

Muzzle Acceptance – Rhodes 2 Safety

How and why to introduce Muzzle Acceptance:  The first thing to consider in any first aid situation is your own personal safety, be that from road traffic, electricity, fast flowing water, or particularly when dealing with animals, claws and teeth.  I always tell our students that if you need to deal with a frightened dog or one […]