

DO DOGS HAVE “WET DREAMS”? Well, I bet I’ve got your attention with this one haven’t I!  Ooh we do cover some off-the-wall topics but I like to think that everything we cover is pertinent, and is a topic that may at some time have popped into your head, owing to the behaviours we see […]

Eating Mud

“Mmmm Nom Nom …. filthy disgusting mud in our teeth … how lovely!”   Rain and Dice know how to live it up. At this time of year (Nov/Dec) my dogs ALWAYS go through a period of wanting to eat mud.  They run to various patches, licking and scraping at the surface with their bottom teeth […]

Excellence Award for 2020

WOW! Rhodes 2 Safety does it again! Since 2016, Rhodes 2 Safety has been up in the ribbons every single year for the training we deliver and we are thrilled to say that, once again, we have been crowned as the Leading Specialists in Canine First Aid Training 2020 – UK, in the Global Excellence […]


Canine Tip of the Day: HORNER’S SYNDROME It has taken me every single moment of the last 6 weeks to be strong enough to put this blog together for you.  I say that because it was the key component to the downward spiral that eventually lead to the loss of my darling Chi.  I will […]


Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (or BPH as it is often referred to) is an age dependant, non-inflammatory enlargement of the prostate gland.  This condition is one that affects older dogs who have not been castrated.  For some time now, there have been thoughts that BPH might be something that Rhodesian Ridgebacks in particular are prone to, […]


My darling Rain-Bob developed a teeny lump at the end of May.  As it was lockdown for the Corona Virus at the time, I showed the photograph to my vet who advised just to keep a close eye on it, since it wasn’t “life-threatening”.  This we did but, as the social distancing requirements dragged, the […]


The UK’s most dangerous plant? GIANT HOGWEED It has been said that Giant Hogweed or “Heracleum Mantegazzianum” to give it its posh name, could well be the UK’s most dangerous plant … and for good reason!  Simply brushing against this nightmare plant can cause enormous pain and problems for both humans and our furry friends […]


GIARDIA   I was asked earlier today if I had any information on Giardia and, as I always do when I’m asked a direct question, I like to share my answer on the page in case it comes in handy for anyone else too.   I haven’t done an actual blog on it but in […]

Why do a Canine First Aid Course?

Why? THIS is why ……   Well, although we all HOPE we will never be in a position where we need to use it, at least if our luck runs out and we’ve had the forethought to undertake a first aid course, we will know what to do. This was certainly the case for Jonathan […]

Masks … and how to wear them!

With Corona Virus doing the rounds, personal hygiene has never been more important and the use of barrier PPE is paramount but you have GOT TO WEAR IT CORRECTLY! I’ve seen so many pictures of people with masks but wearing them completely inappropriately … so here’s Dice to show you Rhodes 2 Safety RIGHT WAY […]

Mild Seizures

Mild Seizures Rain has had idiopathic epilepsy since he was 14 months old.  Today, at the age of 10.5 he experienced a very mild seizure which is now normal for him, every 8 weeks or so.  Because people often think that fits will be massive, violent, thrashing episodes, I thought I would share this video […]


Human CPR Technique: As you may have seen, due to the knock on effect of the Corona Virus, all of our physical first aid courses have been either cancelled, postponed or altered to being delivered as a Webinar Live Platform course.  All of our courses will be just as good as being with you in […]


** IMPORTANT CORONA INFORMATION UPDATE ** FAO: Scottish Canine First Aid Tour – (courses further into the year are being reviewed as time goes on and may be amended accordingly) As we have now all been instructed to minimise travel and distance ourselves as much as possible, until everything sorts itself out, we have had […]

Cruciate Ligament Injury

Although I’m sure you’ve heard of the Cruciate Ligament, I know a lot of people aren’t exactly sure what it is or what it does.  A quick check on Wiki says “Cruciate ligaments (also cruciform ligaments) are pairs of ligaments arranged like a letter X.[1] They occur in several joints of the body, such as the knee joint and the atlanto-axial joint. In a fashion similar […]


An awful lot of dogs really aren’t keen on having their nails clipped.  Some are not too bad if you try a Dremel hand-held grinder for the job.  Others can be persuaded to have them done with clippers but some really do just struggle with the whole thing and it can be very frustrating for […]

Gracilis Myopathy

What is GRACILIS MYOPATHY? The term itself can be split into two halves – GRACILIS is a hind leg muscle in the inner thigh. MYOPATHY just means abnormality or condition. A Gracilis injury is also sometimes referred to as “Contracture” or “Dropped Muscle” … but these terms all refer to the same thing. Who is […]

Shark Teeth & Puppy Biting

One of my FB friends suggested I post with a bit of an overview on one of my videos about puppy shark teeth and how to deal with being on the receiving end of the needle-sharp teeth. Well, I’m not a behaviourist or a trainer – I just do the best that I can and […]

Hydrotherapy & Physio

Hydro Physio session with Fit4Dogs in Beverley for Chi’s first ever session of this type of therapy

Car Blinds, Ice Chips & Shock

My musings from our R2S facebook page chatting about how the sun moves and how car blinds might be the way to go – about Ice Chips and whether they are safe for your dog – and about Shock and the things you need to know to spot it and deal with it Just click […]

Snake Bites vlog

We do have a full blog all about snake bites, but this little vlog ties things up nicely in a quick bow for you. Just click the link below to access my musings taken from our R2S facebook page